About us
In the beginning, there was only enthusiasm and a desire to help children with the teaching of volleyball skills. This is how the idea arose to create a volleyball trainer for intensifying training by constantly repeating game activities, especially receiving and serving. Within a short time, our first volleyball trainer Freddie was created. And as time went on and the children grew, so did the trainer Freddie. Today, what was originally a children's trainer is a volleyball cannon intended for professional teams from all over the world. But the name remained - Freddie. Currently, the Freddie product line includes models intended for children, youth, adults and professionals.
And it didn't just stop at volleyball.
Another of our products is the Charlie basketball trainer – a very sophisticated computer-controlled trainer for practicing shooting at the basket. In the case of the Charlie trainer, the history of creation is quite the opposite. The machine designed especially for professionals has gained popularity among the general public as well. Thanks to the Wifi connection with the data storage and the Charliestats application, professionals and amateurs from all over the world can now compete with each other. And that really makes us very happy.